So far I've been trying this for a little over a month now. It used to be that driving to school as many as three attractive women would force me to suddenly focus all my attention on them for the three or four seconds they were in view. It happens everywhere. And the weird thing is, I really didn't notice it that much until I tried to stop. Its hard. Its involuntary, its like breathing. There's no thought or conscious action. You just do it.
It used to be that every girl I met or shared a room with was a potential 'intimate partner', if you will. In the case that more than one girl shared that room, the more attractive receives all the attention and the others are largely ignored (not always, but mostly in a new setting). I would happily make friends with the other guys in the room and ignore the women (even the attractive one for fear of looking stupid and thus ruining all chances of future action). I decided that it had to change. No longer would every girl be a potential candidate for relations. Now there is no pressure to always be on the lookout and no fear of looking stupid. So far, its been hard. Fighting your own body is a steep challenge. But I think I'm winning. I'm certainly getting more work done anyway.
"sometimes i wish i were a real boy."
im still getting used to this whole christian is a sexual being thing... keep it coming though- its entertaining.
oh and thanks for the shout out- i was wondering where corinna and i fit into all of this
fuck. corinnE typo!
is this like the first of many posts that lead to you eventually saying you like guys now?
Crap, theyre on to me...
i heard the first draft of this speech while we were sharing a shower in China...
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