There is simply not enough time. Not enough to do what, you say? Everything. No matter how hard to you try you just can't do everything. But dag-nabbit I'm gonna try. And as a first step I plan to spend a week (or however long it takes) and watch all the greatest movies and those that you just "need to see". I've starting compiling a list of movies that I will begin to collect or will "netflix" or "blockbuster-netflix-knockoff" when the time comes. If you have any movies that you think I should add, please throw them up. And of course anyone is welcome to join since it'll probably be over winter or summer.
Rennaisance Man
Citizen Kane
A Few Good Men
The Godfather
Schindler's List
The Usual Suspects
Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying...
North by Northwest
Apocalypse Now
Its a Wonderful Life
Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Blade Runner
Easy Rider
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Bonnie and Clyde
The Exorcist
Lawrence of Arabia
Gone With the Wind
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Note: I've seen 17 of the films on this list in their entirety. I also currently own the DVD of 4 of those mentioned. I think the list of "Andy's Must See Films" would be more educational, but that's just me...
if this is going down over the summer- im totally down to join. ive been told too many times "YOU HAVENT SEEN THAT MOVIE!" let me know when and where.
*Pulp Fiction and more importantly *Reservoir Dogs. lol *The Warriors. *Boondock Saints? (you might like it, it kinda fits into those random dark violent movies). I'll keep trying to think of movies that we haven't seen or that I have and you haven't. *Little Miss Sunshine? You've seen *Caddy Shack right? *Vacation (any of em)? *Mallrats for sure. *Silence of the Lambs. *Black Hawk Down. *Saving Private Ryan. *Enemy at the Gates. *Fast Times At Ridgemont High. yeah thats all i can think of atm.
also dont forget about our simpsons project.
The Untouchables. Waterworld lol. Analyze This? Backdraft. Police Academy. The Rock. Fight Club. The Hunt for Red October.
blazing saddles. history of the world
87% of the movies Jimmy suggested are either: 90's action movies, war movies, somehow involving quentin tarantino, clint eastwood, or chevy chase, feature a candy bar in the pool scene, or ending credits.
lol i like funny
american history x
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