Everyone needs a good alias. And I mean a GOOD alias. Not just some funny fake name like Humpy McBoobs. Something believable. Something with a backstory. A whole alter-ego. I seriously can't count how many times I've wanted to give out a fake name or school or something, only to awkwardly sputter out, "I'm....uhhhm....Christian Henderson". And then everyone is wondering why I was so confused. Its cuz I was frantically trying to think up a witty and humorous fake name. This especially comes up at Starbucks or ordering a pizza. Even though I know its coming, I still fail when they ask my name.
So why does everyone need a good alias? If it hasnt happened yet, somewhere down the road you're going to be talking to someone somewhere and you dont want to give out any personal information. However, if you have a prethought-out alias with a full backstory, you'll always be covered.
I now call all of my readers to come up with a good alias for themselves. Make a believable name and an equally believable backstory. I dont want to hear about how Sergio McLovin was the first person to slingshot himself into space. I haven't come up with one for myself yet, I'm horrible at naming things. However, once I do I plan on running with it. So that means fake MySpace page, business cards, student ID, etc. You can never be too prepared.
If you have any suggestions for names for me, please post them! First on my list is Sean Neil.